Stainless Steel Splash Guards Installed for Hand Dryer Wall Protection - NDC-Splash

Newton DistributingSKU: NDC-Splash

Sale price$85.00
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Universal Splash Guards Are Installed Under a Hand Dryer like the XLERATOR to Protect Walls from Moisture!

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Made to be sturdy, it's time to install a wall guard under hand dryers to prevent mold or moisture. By simply installing a splash guard like this one, you provide your maintenance team and easier way to keep walls clean. Furthermore, this stainless steel back plate is far more hygienic then letting tiles and grout get filthy. Also, hand dryers are sold separately. 

Hand Dryer Wall Protection 

Similar to the hand sanitizers you see everywhere these days, the splash backboard acts as a drip guard. Instead of sanitizer though, this stainless panel keeps the water from ever hitting the wall behind it. In addition, the product is extremely easy to install in any restroom on any material. All you need is commercial grade double sided tape if you want to quickly install splash shield under the hand dryer. However, it is far safer and more durable to install the splash guard with a liquid adhesive like Liquid Nails. Liquid adhesives also last longer in a damp environment. 

Design & Function for Wall Panels 

There are many different types of wall protection panels. You may be familiar with industrial kitchens and how much stainless steel is plastered on the walls; especially behind the grill. Wall mounted backsplash panels act as a splatter guard to protect from various greases common when cooking. Similarly, you see these wall guards under diner counters to protect the material from patron's dirty shoes. Above all, the purpose of these products is designed to protect walls from long lasting damage.

The NDC-Splash guard from Newton Distributing is not that different. Designed to protect from moisture as we discussed. However, by keeping moisture at a minimum, you also prevent mold growth. Mold is not something people want to see when they are in a restroom, kitchen, or anywhere honestly. Therefore, the 15.5"W x 31.25"H panel is designed to fit perfectly in any restroom under any hand dryer. Crafted from 20 gauge stainless steel with a #4 satin finish, the design is efficient and aesthetically pleasing. In conclusion, you shield your wall from more than just water. 

When to Buy a Splash Guard like the NDC-Splash

The future shows us that paper towels are not an eco-friendly solution to drying hands. Also, the CDC confirms that hand dryers are as safe as paper towels during the pandemic. After that was published by the CDC, hand dryers have come back to the forefront for hand hygiene. In addition, its also reported that ensuring your hands are fully dry is as important as applying the soap! Therefore, if you choose a hand dryer like the XLERATOR for your restroom, it is best to install a splash guard as well. Protect your walls from moisture, mold, and damage with this durable stainless steel panel. Furthermore, by choosing hand dryers, you will save a lot of money compared to the prices you pay for paper towels. It's a fact, save money for yourself and be eco-friendly for the environment!
  • Hand dryers sold separately 
  • 15.5"W x 31.25"H
  • 20 ga.
  • #4 satin finish
  • Designed to shield your wall from moisture beneath any hand dryer.
The wall guard is ideal for the high performance of the XLerator hand dryer. Learn more about XLERATORs by visiting the hand dryer page here!

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