Bobrick B-298 Stainless Steel Shelf 8" width
Stainless Steel Shelf shall be type-304, 18-gauge (1.2mm) stainless steel with satin finish. Mounting brackets, welded to shelf, shall be 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel. Shelf is 8 in. (205mm) wide with 3/4 in. (19mm) return edges. Front edge shall be hemmed for safe handling. Shelf — 18-8 S, type-304, 18-gauge (1.2mm) stainless steel with satin finish. 3/4 in. (19mm) return edges for maximum rigidity. Front edge is hemmed for safe handling. Mounting Brackets — 18-8 S, type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. Welded to back return of shelf and secured inside front hem of shelf.